Monday, December 19, 2011


Everything in 21st century is about technologies. It is the era of advance technologies and this trend will go on and on. Due to that, the Human Resource needs to change, from the traditional to the contemporary. The Human Resource had become more and more important to  the organizations and the existing of the technologies had benefits the functions of human resources as it goes online.
            The online induction system provides a flexible time program to let the new employees take control over it. The new employees able to get the information needed very easy at anytime and it save the cost of the organizations. As for the performance management system, it helps the managers to evaluate the performance of the employees as well as tracking their own performances. The performance management system then provides accurate information to let the organizations plan for their future.
            At the same time, the web-based recruiting and staffing system allows the organizations to employ the right person that suitable for the positions available. It is both time-saving and also cost-saving.

(176 words)

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