Sunday, September 25, 2011

Reflection- Week 1 & 2

Things learned from the lecture.

  1. The concept of Human Resource Information System.
  2. The evolution Human Resource Management as well as Technology.
  3. The merging of Human Resource function and Technology to become Human Resource Information System.
  4. Human Resource functions- from care taker to strategic partner.
Aspect that caused me the most anxiety and difficulty.

  1. The history of HRIS that is too long for me.
Aspect that surprised me.

  1. The HRIS makes Human Resource functions become strategic and importance to the organizations.
Improtance things learned from the lecture

  1. HRIS makes things easier for Human Resource personnel.
  2. Human Resource functions as strategic partners for every organization.
  3. The role of information technology in the context of Human Resource.
What I will do differently if I had the chance to do it again.

  1. I will read the Chapter 1 thoroughly before the tutorial class and understand it well.
  2. Try to answer the discussion questions before the tutorial.
How will the information gathered from this reflection inform future use.

  1. Assist me from commit the same mistake.
  2. Identify my own learning styles.

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